QINGDAO will invest a total of 900 billion yuan in 900 key projects towards an all-around development, according to the city’s development plan. The next five years will see the completion of a 650-billion-yuan investment. The key projects will cover modern services, developed manufacturing and infrastructure. The city’s development and reform commission said the key projects will play a bigger role in driving the city’s development compared with the last five years, employing some 900,000 people both directly and indirectly. “The city will carry out projects in eight key areas, which will combine to facilitate Qingdao’s ambition to develop the marine economy,” according to the commission. The city plans to invest 111 billion yuan in infrastructure in the next five years. In terms of transportation development, the city plans to invest 140 billion yuan in 70 key projects, 14.4 percent of which are to be finished in the next five years. The next five years will also see 27 billion yuan invested in energy, accounting for 4.2 percent of the total planned investment in important projects. In addition, a total of 19.2 billion yuan will be invested in the development of the modern service industry in the next five years. A total of 210 projects costing 167 billion yuan will be developed to boost the manufacturing industry. The city will also invest 19 billion yuan in 60 key projects in the development of modern agriculture. Qingdao will further promote energy saving and emission reduction with 39 billion yuan to be invested in 100 key projects in the field. (Li Hao, Lin Gang) |