Across 1. Platters 6. Give as an example 10. Happy cat sound 14. Ancient Roman magistrate 15. Air force heroes 16. Largest continent 17. Communion table 18. Popular hot beverages 19. Flows 20. Vile 22. Backside 23. Be furious 24. Slept briefly 26. Sexual assault 30. Tavern 31. L 32. Pinnacle 33. Therefore 35. Crystal-lined rock 39. A porch 41. Demean 43. Draw forth 44. Anagram of “tine” 46. Frozen 47. And so forth 49. At this time 50. Scoundrels 51. Reluctant 54. Hurried 56. Arm or leg 57. A type of biologist 63. District 64. Oceans 65. Panorama 66. Lease 67. Sea eagle 68. Arm of the sea 69. Style 70. Decays 71. Abounds Down 1. Inanimate 2. Doing nothing 3. Seats oneself 4. Applaud 5. Anagram of “fires” 6. Type of sailboat 7. One sank the Titanic 8. Blue-green 9. Ancient ascetic 10. Someone who is paralyzed 11. Take forcibly 12. Dentist’s direction 13. Leveled 21. Diced 25. Seaweed 26. Rant 27. Copied 28. Andean country 29. Make worse 34. Devilfishes 36. Killer whale 37. Perished 38. Terminates 40. Catches 42. Lumberjack 45. A very short time 48. Thurible 51. Alert 52. An small olive-grey bird 53. Make improvements 55. Lifeboat crane 58. Relating to aircraft 59. Connects two points 60. Small island 61. Flower stalk 62. Makes lace |