Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) You are the beneficiary of good luck and also some long-time-coming goodwill as the week begins. On Wednesday and Thursday, an authority figure puts a cramp in your style, but by Friday, you’re getting hugs from friends right and left, for no reason at all. When someone asks you about your hopes for the future, your goals will suddenly seem more attainable than ever. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Whatever assumptions you have at the start of the week, drop them. Spend Tuesday and Wednesday doing research. There are so many things you don’t know yet! On Thursday you’re going to achieve a lot and on Friday you’ll have time to devote to a new project. You go into Saturday with a ton of energy and a goal. Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) Sometimes the most amazing experiences begin with the most unpromising circumstances. This is a good lesson, and it’s something you carry with you the rest of the week. Wednesday and Thursday are business-related, Friday is social but intellectually stimulating, and on Saturday you stumble across something new and amazing. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) Your way of doing things works great for you, but it might not work great for someone else. Ditto your way of looking at things. It’s important not to be bossy, and it’s especially important this week. As wise as your criticisms are, the people you’re around may be entirely uninterested in hearing them. Aries (March 21-April 20) Exercise figures Monday, but it’s a fun exercise — the kind you barely notice. The middle of the week is less dreamy and fun, but don’t stop exercising: It will keep you in good spirits even as the details and the drudgery threaten to drag you down. On Friday you’re happy and charming and on Sunday you have all the time in the world to sleep in. Taurus (April 21-May 21) On Monday you have to mediate a dispute between two of your friends — and then, horribly, become involved yourself. Find a way to back out of the situation gracefully. The middle of the week is a corrective to all this early-week weirdness. Tuesday through Thursday is fun. Friday and Saturday are exciting. Gemini (May 22-June 21) Words come easily to you Monday, and everyone around you seems to be responding well. If only the same could be said for your communications with your family this week. You and your family have just hit a rough patch. Meanwhile, you’ll be preoccupied with way too much communication in the rest of your life. Cancer (June 22-July 22) On Monday, you feel like showing off a bit. Tuesday brings a return to modesty somewhat, with you focusing on small details and quality friendships. Wednesday and Thursday you’d do well to spend with friends. Make some plans together. But on Friday and Saturday, plan to stay close to home because something there needs your attention this weekend. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Whatever you do, let your heart be your guide and proceed with confidence. On Tuesday, the outside world will give you a bit of a sinking feeling and you’ll find yourself retreating into your own head. Wednesday and Thursday are quiet, introverted days as well. Friday is all friends and action and romance. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23) There’s too much happening at the outset of the week for you to get a handle on anything. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are productive but pleasant — as fine a time as ever to chart plans and discuss ideas. Shopping figures into your day on Friday. Saturday has you thinking about money. On Sunday, your intellectual curiosity may lead you to the library. Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) You’re admired. If the group is without a leader and you have what the group needs, step up to the task. You are a good listener too. On Friday, some heavy duty flirting sets your heart aflutter. It’s amazing to find out the unexpected turns life takes. On Sunday your thoughts turn to business. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Work is worrying you Monday — something’s up with the boss. If you find yourself tiptoeing around, well, this is probably smart of you. Being flamboyant and forward is not the answer right now. On Tuesday or Wednesday, someone will let you in on a secret that changes your understanding of an issue you thought you had all figured out. |