Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) You have a decision to make Monday or Tuesday, and you have tons of friends who can help you make it. Rely on them more than you usually might. Keep your emotions in check and as separate as possible from tasks at hand midweek. Friday and Saturday are wonderful days. Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) The thoughts you have about your career at the start of the week are good thoughts to be having. You are an ambitious, goal-oriented person, and while this sometimes produces stress in your life, in the long run, you will have something to show for it. Try to relieve some of this stress Wednesday or Thursday with a social activity. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) You may feel uncertain at the beginning of this week. Don’t get paranoid but pay attention — especially Wednesday and Thursday. Friday has you so surrounded by friends that there’s very little chance anyone would be able to sneak up on you. Saturday and Sunday offer a lot in the way of pleasure. Aries (March 21-April 20) On Monday, you are a turtle entirely uncomfortable with the idea of sunlight, and Tuesday is a stay-inside-your-shell kind of day, too. Wednesday and Thursday see you marching boldly forward, introducing yourself to strangers, putting foreign foods into your gullet, and being generally pioneering. On Friday and Saturday you have to slow down a bit for career reasons. Taurus (April 21-May 21) You wish you could take things lightly Monday and Tuesday but that just isn’t your personality right now. Everything is significant. Emotions are intense. You may feel a surge of ridiculous jealousy over something. On Wednesday and Thursday, modesty should be your modus operandi. Don’t take your friends for granted. Gemini (May 22-June 21) Health is at the top of your mind Monday. The slightest hint of a symptom sends you searching the Internet for information about what may be going on. Little may be going on at all, but interest in your well-being is a healthy interest. Friday is a day of more questions than answers and Saturday yields little in the way of new discoveries. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Monday and Tuesday are chaotic. On Wednesday, you should invest your energy in yourself and do something self-nurturing. The idea of being social isn’t very appealing Thursday, and Friday and Saturday are stay-at-home days as well. In dealing with others Sunday, be as flexible as possible. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Monday and Tuesday, the situation below the surface is finally getting your attention. Wednesday and Thursday are fiery, fun, cruising-down-the-highway-with-the-top-down sort of days, full of romance and exciting roadside distractions. On Friday and Saturday, your enthusiasm hasn’t let up a bit. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23) Your restlessness Monday and Tuesday is useful. It’s due to an unquenchable intellectual curiosity, and intellectual curiosity — obviously — is what has led to the advances that the modern world is built on in terms of science, philosophy and the arts. Midweek can be boring, but Friday and Saturday are open to your creative whims. Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) You are thinking about money issues Monday and Tuesday. These questions deserve as much consideration as you’re willing to invest in them — maybe a conversation on the topic would interest a friend Wednesday or Thursday. Friday and Saturday find you a bit down about something in your past. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Rebirth and regeneration are key themes at the beginning of the week. You feel more connected to your friends and they feel more connected to you starting Wednesday. On Friday and Saturday everyone you know is simply in a great mood. Problems at home or with your family might arise Sunday; be open-minded. Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) It’s okay to be moody Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday, everything will go on the upswing and stay that way. Thursday will be a jovial day, too. As the week winds to a close, strategies for financial shrewdness figure into your thoughts. Communication and creativity define Sunday. |