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Free places for spring outings in Shenzhen (II)
    2019-02-25  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

IF Spring Festival is already in the past tense, can spring be far behind? With spring arriving in all her splendor and glory, going outdoors this time of the year with family and friends to enjoy the blossoms, the greening grass and the warm sunshine is a joy that cannot be missed. Here we list out 13 options for spring outings in the city for you.

Shenzhen Talent Park

Shenzhen Talent Park, located at Shenzhen Bay near Houhai in Nanshan District, is the first high-quality urban park with the theme of “talent” in China. The park covers 770,000 square meters and features beautiful scenery as well as dozens of seminar rooms, lecture theaters and business centers.

The park’s grounds used to be an ocean area and have now been reconstructed into the biggest piece of urban greenery in the Houhai area.

As a green urban park, it provides the public with relaxing and recreational spaces where youngsters and elders can enjoy exercise and leisure activities, while children can have as much fun as they can in the park.

When the light show is on, the park turns into a lighting fairyland. However the latest lightshow schedule has not been announced yet, so stay tuned.

Add: Northwest corner of the intersection of Shahe Road West and Dongbin Road, Nanshan District 南山区沙河西路与东滨路交汇处西北角

Transport: Take Metro Line 2 to Keyuan Station, Exit B; or Metro Line 2 or Line 11 to Houhai Station, Exit H.

Luohu Sports & Leisure Park

Linked with Wutong Mountain on the east and Donghu Park on the west and also bordered by Shenzhen Reservoir and a forest farm, Luohu Sports & Leisure Park enjoys an advantageous geographical location and rich natural resources.

Inside the park, there are six basketball courts, six shuttlecock courts, one volleyball court, three five-person football fields, and two seven-person football fields. The venues are quite new, suitable for family and friends who want to have a full workout over the weekend or during their spare time.

Add: 10 Donghu Street 2, Aiguo Road, Huangbei Subdistrict, Luohu District 罗湖区黄贝街道办爱国路东湖二街10号

Opening hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m.

Tickets: Free (Some venues charge)


Upperhills is a fresh new upmarket development in Futian District offering shopping, dining, leisure options, and accommodations. Formed by buildings with brightly painted facades, it permeates a special modern air, transporting you to a place perfect for snapping portraits or selfies.

The Upperhills Mall offers an upmarket retail, dining, and leisure experience along with green spaces where you can chill out and perhaps dream about buying the Porsche you saw in the onsite Porsche exhibition hall downstairs.

Add: UpperHills, Futian District 福田区深业上城

Transport: Take bus 398, m511, 58, 46, or 323 to Lianhuayicun Station, then walk 642 meters.

Tickets: Free

Longgang Wengu Finca

With exotic European-style buildings, Longgang Wengu Finca is a real photography base, as well as a nice option for hanging out.

First, walk past the main gate of Wengu Finca, and then you will encounter a 500-meter-long street lined with different-colored Dutch-style buildings adorned with various sculptures. It may give you the unfamiliar feeling of walking on a European street.

Nestled into Jigong Mountain, Wengu Finca also sits around Laiyin Lake. After exploring Wengu Finca, you can also check out Shenzhen Wenbo Palace, which is just a stone’s throw away.

Add: Behind Shenzhen Wenbo Palace, Wenbo Road, Longgang District 龙岗区文博路文博宫后

Metro: Line 5 to Changlong Station, Exit A, then walk for 15 minutes to the destination.

(Chen Xiaochun)

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