Aries (March 21-April 20) Monday is a good day to do as little as possible — put off decisions, conserve your energy. Then, on Tuesday, get ready to burn those stored-up carbs. Wednesday is a physical day too — objects in motion, and all that. On Thursday, a speed bump returns you to a more casual pace, and Friday is downright slow. Communication is key Saturday and Sunday. Taurus (April 21-May 21) One way to figure out what to do at the start of the week is to consider what someone you admire might do in your same shoes. On Wednesday you’re torn between sprinting ahead and taking the slow route. Then, on Thursday, you find someone else who totally relates. On Friday, you feel like indulging yourself a little bit. Gemini (May 22-June 21) You’re at once focused on the future and utterly unable to concentrate Monday. A clarifying conversation Tuesday or Wednesday sets you on much better footing. That said, there are obstacles in store for you this week. Embrace them. The obstacle Thursday may be a business matter, and the obstacle Friday may take the form of a nosy neighbor. This weekend, the people in your life are nothing but wonderful. Cancer (June 22-July 22) You have good energy Monday but not a tremendous amount of focus. Save the real tasks for Tuesday and Wednesday; your focus may still be a bit off but your mind will be quick. Thursday and Friday are perfect for dinner parties and phone calls. This weekend sees you taking a walk on the wild side. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) A small problem might seem like a big problem to you Monday. Don’t fly off the handle, if you can help it. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the problems that present themselves are eminently surmountable. Your optimism is attractive. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself thronged by admirers Thursday and Friday. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23) On Monday, you might forget that there’s beauty in variety and become frustrated. Resist the urge to be critical. Not everyone will do things the way you do them. Midweek, you’re downright combative, although the issue is more a scarcity of resources than anything. Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) On Monday, you’d best keep your head down. You have work to do. You can join in on the excitement Tuesday. Wednesday is almost exclusively about you and you-know-who (either a romantic partner or a work partner) but Thursday is about your extended group of friends. On Friday, the gains you’ll make materially will pale in comparison to the gains you’ll make socially. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) On Monday, fantasy, mystery and hidden talents are in the stars. Tuesday and Wednesday are considerably more practical — your health is on your mind, as is work, as is being of service to a friend in need. This weekend, buoyed by your success, you may feel up for taking a risk. Don’t. Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) On Monday, consider your future in the context of the past — look how far you’ve come — and make a plan. Set a goal or two. On Tuesday and Wednesday, your life, looked at in a new light, is a game you suddenly enjoy playing. On Thursday and Friday, there is so much going on you have no chance of being bored. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) You can get what you want Monday if you ask for it the right way. Put your request in an email, where you can word it just so. You will be surprised how well this works. On Tuesday and Wednesday, safety and security are all you want in the world. By Thursday, your worries will evaporate. Creativity and pleasure will reign. Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) A hiccup in your cash flow Monday brings about a total reconsideration of what’s important to you. On Tuesday and Wednesday, a pattern in your life you’ve never noticed before suddenly becomes conspicuous. You regard it with curiosity. Thursday and Friday offer more opportunities for learning. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) Just because you start a new project doesn’t mean you have to see it through. Don’t be so concerned about the end product Monday. Just dive in. You’ll figure out where you’re going later. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you may feel confused, but a sweet note from someone you love brings you back to solid ground Thursday or Friday. |