Cancer (June 22-July 22) You’ll be compelled to spend solid time assessing the state of your self-image and self-confidence and identifying the moves that will help you take both to the next level. Keeping a close watch on your bank accounts would be wise, as well as exploring a hustle that had previously landed on the back burner. Getting more organized and focused in these ways can lay the groundwork for bolstered financial wellness. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Whether you’ve been wanting to try a new fitness regimen, healthy eating plan, or apply for a dream job, you’ll have the drive to turn your vision into an exciting reality. If you want to sharpen your approach to day-to-day and long-term objectives, this is an ideal time to reflect and then get organized. The work you put in now makes it easier to move forward in a strong, focused, and self-aware way. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23) You could be on the brink of a breakthrough related to a group project on the job. If you’ve been working solo, you could meet contacts now who help you take your professional strategy to the next level. Leaning into opportunities to collaborate and believing in your dreams go hand-in-hand to pave the road to success. Midweek is meant for reflection, meditation, and cluing into your intuition. Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) Higher-ups could approach you with proposals to take on more responsibility, or you could be recognized for your work ethic. Either way, you’ll do well to spend time envisioning your ideal career path from this point, then making moves to manifest it. Midweek, friends and colleagues from the past could resurface out of the blue. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) You’ll have more energy and drive to sign up for challenging projects, make presentations, and pitch your most ambitious ideas. Higher-ups will take note. You’re itching to broaden your horizons and experience something unusual, which can teach you a lot about your big picture outlook on life. Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) You’ll want to deepen your connection to your partner or a potential significant other. You could be inspired to make a daring move and shake up your approach to hitting your professional goals. You’ll do well to base your decision on your emotional needs. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) You could find yourself yearning for more affection with your partner or a romantic interest. You may find yourself reflecting on the importance of maintaining your closest connections — to a significant other, a colleague, or dear friends. Ask yourself questions about how well you collaborate one-on-one and your ability to lean on someone else, and consider how you can improve in these areas. Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) You could be itching to overhaul your clean eating plan, learn more about a fitness studio, or talk to a health care provider about a new game plan for an ongoing concern. You will also turn your attention to an emotional issue from the past that has yet to be healed. By addressing these old wounds, you’ll feel more centered, happier and healthier. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) You’re driven to be your own advocate and ask hard-hitting questions to get ahead of any health concerns. You’ll also want to push yourself at the gym or learn more about clean eating. You’ll be compelled to express what’s in your heart, perhaps in a creative way. You’ll find that by striving to be present, joyful and fun-loving, you’ll learn a valuable lesson. Aries (March 21-April 20) You’ll be feeling more playful, energized, and driven to express what’s in your heart and take the steps necessary to make your wildest fantasies a reality. You’ll want to set intentions related to making your home life more secure and comfortable. Think redecorating, instead of taking immediate action, carve out time to tune into your intuition. Then, planting the seeds for change can lead to a major, positive shift down the road. Taurus (April 21-May 21) Discuss with colleagues, brainstorm big picture ideas, and soak up tons of information. You’ll do well to take a step back to think about how you can put newly-acquired knowledge to use to advance your skill set and career. Get out of your comfort zone when it comes to matters of the heart. Gemini (May 22-June 21) You’ll be zeroed in on your financial picture and perhaps rethinking ways to increase your cash flow. Midweek, you may need to go back to the drawing board to learn more about a relationship, job, or wellness routine. Tweaking and revising your plan sets you up for success in the long-haul. |