Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) You might feel like you’re speaking a different language from a dear friend or loved one Tuesday. Instead of jumping to sweeping conclusions right away, do your best to clarify. If you’re still struggling to see eye-to-eye, you might do well to let the dust settle before attempting again. Then, you’ll be fired up to elevate your moneymaking efforts and spend time bringing in new sources of cash later this week. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) You might feel like you’re struggling to be recognized by those in a position of power, despite all your efforts. You might also feel more emotional and as though it’s time to make major changes to feel more centered. Then, you’ll have the green light to get after major personal goals. It’s your time to shine and claim the spotlight, doing whatever it is you feel compelled to do to heighten your sense of self and success. Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) You’re driven to pursue your favorite pleasurable activities, from having heartfelt, intellectually-stimulating conversations to exploring and adventuring with friends — and, if you’re attached, your significant other. Allowing yourself to follow your heart and enjoy the romantic, self-nurturing side of life is restorative. An unexpected, surprising turn of events might create friction with loved ones. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) You’ll find it’s extra satisfying to spend time with friends and colleagues. The more group projects and community events you can involve yourself in, the more stimulated you’ll feel intellectually and emotionally. What’s more, working with others can help you reach personal goals during this period. Later this week, your emotions are cranked up a notch, and you’ll be fantasizing about getting out of your comfort zone with a friend or partner. Aries (March 21-April 20) You’ll find you’re stirred to put your energy toward building and enjoying platonic relationships. Intellectual conversations and brainstorms with friends and colleagues will be particularly satisfying, as would be working toward a common goal, like raising money for a favorite charity or submitting a proposal for a creative project. Taurus (April 21-May 21) You’ll want to share what’s in your heart with your love or a potential match. At the same time, planning a weekend getaway or enjoying another pastime that allows you to learn and experience something new together can feel satisfying. You might be craving more independence on the job and clash with higher-ups when you attempt to assert your needs. Gemini (May 22-June 21) You’ll be focused on building your connection with your significant other or someone new. Even though holiday party invites might be flooding your inbox, you might prefer to share quiet nights in. Later this week, your imagination will be firing on all cylinders, and your emotions, while sensitized, might be informing impromptu, brilliant brainstorms. Putting this burst of creative energy toward your work could earn you applause from higher-ups. Cancer (June 22-July 22) You’ll be exploring ways to transform yourself and experience personal growth, likely through a deep, powerful connection with a loved one or significant other. Midweek, you might feel like you’ll do your best work if you’re collaborating with your significant other, a dear friend, or a close colleague. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Although you’ll have your pick of parties, work happy hours, and other events, you might gravitate to one-on-one time with a romantic interest or best friend. You’ll find that working through any existing emotional issues together and then forging a new path, which feels productive for you both, occurs organically and is satisfying mentally and emotionally. If you’re hoping to get a head start on your New Year’s resolution or take your gym routine to the next level, go for it! Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23) Your day-to-day efforts to hit the gym or make clean and delicious meals get a boost with support from friends and family. You’ll be trading notes about your favorite supplements and classes, then acting as one another’s biggest cheerleaders, which goes far to boost your motivation. Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) Spending time with loved ones, ideally close to home, is your focus. You’ll want to nurture the aspects of life that make you feel secure and comfortable, whether that’s relationships or routines that feel grounding and in line with who you are at your core. Later this week, you might find yourself wanting to express yourself creatively and connect in a flirtatious, fun-loving way with people in your life. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) You might be steaming with frustration aimed at colleagues or higher-ups. Although you would prefer to repress it, dealing with your negative feelings in a measured, calculated way is your best bet. A confrontation needs to occur either way, so it’s best if you can get ahead of it now. |