Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Around January 10, when the full moon and lunar eclipse falls in your seventh house of partnership, anticipate major changes in a close bond that is inextricably tied to your self-image. Whether you’ve been putting too much of your energy toward a toxic friendship or it’s time for you and your significant other to get serious about a future game plan, this could be an intense moment for identifying how you want to proceed in the relationship. Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) Pleasurable, artistic, beauty-loving experiences with dear friends and a significant other come naturally on January 8 when the emotional moon in your fifth house of romance forms a harmonizing trine to romantic Venus in your sign. Whether you’re taking in art at a museum, seeing a play, or enjoying entertaining conversation at a party, the lighthearted moment can infuse your bonds with a renewed sense of vitality and connection. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) Your emotional intelligence and ability to apply that to your social and professional connections are elevated around January 6 when the emotional moon in your third house of communication forms a harmonizing trine to transformative Pluto in your eleventh house of networking. Aries (March 21-April 20) You might find yourself craving more solo time or feeling more secretive than usual while romantic Venus moves through your twelfth house of spirituality from January 13 to February 7. You’ll be drawn to affairs or romantic moments that feel clandestine and find you are understanding the underlying psychological pull of a love interest. Taurus (April 21-May 21) Whether you’ve been thinking about ways you can reshape your personal goals or work on your self-image, it’s time to put the wheels in motion once game-changer Uranus ends its five-month retrograde in your sign and moves forward on January 10. Gemini (May 22-June 21) A horizon-broadening experience might be exactly what your heart is yearning for on January 8 when the emotional moon in your sign forms a harmonious trine to romantic Venus in your ninth house of adventure. Plan a date night or simply spend time with a loved one getting out of your comfort zone. Cancer (June 22-July 22) It’s a time for change and, in turn, personal growth around January 10 when the full moon and lunar eclipse is in your sign. Although you might be telling yourself that you’re content with the direction you’re heading in personally — in terms of your health, your career, your life goals — the eclipse is here to encourage you to reflect on that and consider tweaks or full turns in the road. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Your mind is sure to be buzzing with ways you can take your current self-improvement strategy to the next level on January 10 when the confident sun pairs up with communicator Mercury in your sixth house of wellness. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23) If you’ve been wanting to share how you feel with your significant other or another special someone, you’ll do well to zero in on January 10 when the confident sun and communicator Mercury pair up in your fifth house of romance and self-expression. This transition will boost your confidence in sharing what’s in your heart in a way that feels right to you — and can make a lasting, emotional impression. Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) It’s a gorgeous day for breaking free of your typical routine and connecting with someone special in a spontaneous, flirtatious way on January 8 when the emotional moon in your ninth house of adventure forms a harmonizing trine to your ruling planet, beauty-loving Venus in your fifth house of romance. Allow yourself to get in touch with your inner playful, fairytale-loving spirit, letting that energy guide your social plans. It’ll make sparks fly! Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Although you tend to be a creature of habit, you won’t be content to stay on the same old track, in your everyday environment around January 10 when the full moon and lunar eclipse lights up your ninth house of higher learning. Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) You’ll be soul-searching and reflecting on your closest relationships around January 10 when the full moon and lunar eclipse falls in your eighth house of sexual intimacy. It’s time to take a hard look at reciprocity and the mental load that one of you might be carrying. |