Across 1. Community spirit 6. Flexible mineral 10. Eye layer 14. A mutual promise to marry 15. 1 1 1 1 16. Short sleeps 17. Oddity 18. Canvas dwelling 19. Dud 20. From now on 22. Go on horseback 23. Soil 24. An unmarried girl 26. Urgent request 30. 12 in Roman numerals 31. Beer 32. Foliage 33. Brother of Jacob 35. A loud sleeping sound 39. Nouveau-riche 41. Pastas 43. Metal 44. Unwanted email 46. Dregs 47. 16 1/2 feet 49. Reverence 50. Oxen’s harness 51. A bowl-shaped depression 54. Droops 56. Roman moon goddess 57. Beautiful 63. Varieties 64. A bitter quarrel 65. Ascended 66. Sensed 67. Container weight 68. Lacking leadership 69. No charge 70. Sleigh 71. Ales Down 1. Carve in stone 2. Not false 3. Warning device 4. Ear-related 5. Wearing footgear 6. Vehicle drivers 7. Resistance to change 8. 1/100th of a dollar 9. A breathing disorder 10. Inimical 11. Unexpired 12. Lyric poem 13. Type of poplar tree 21. Service man 25. Along with 26. Add 27. Past tense of Leap 28. Alleviate 29. A delayed flavor sensation 34. Not awarded 36. Margarine 37. Need a bath badly 38. Anagram of “Sees” 40. Maguey 42. Alpha’s opposite 45. Grazing land 48. Preliminary versions of a book 51. Precipice 52. King 53. Foot joint 55. Scour 58. Blue-green 59. Prong 60. Small island 61. Swerve 62. Terminates |