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What the stars foretell for next week
    2020-01-24  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

You might be inspired to steer away from cold hard facts and logic for a moment in order to take a more imaginative, spiritually guided approach to connecting with friends and colleagues. Allowing yourself to explore ideas without a pragmatic bent can be liberating and help you land on an exciting, creative proposal.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)

You could be drawn to even more outlandish, quirky, but downright innovative ideas and business proposals than usual as the week begins. Colleagues and higher-ups could be impressed with your willingness to take a wild pitch and run with it. Just try not to get discouraged if you lose some steam and confusion seems to prevent colleagues from getting on the same page with you later this week.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)

You’ll be more apt to daydream and drawn to escapism as the week begins. Just try not to put reality entirely on the backburner. Later this week, you’ll be fired up to make a play for more responsibility or an exciting assignment. Believing in yourself and your passion shows higher-ups exactly why they should too.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

It’s easy to get carried away by your wildest daydreams and most enticing fantasies as the week begins. Spending time journaling, reflecting, meditating, or working on an artistic endeavor can feel especially satisfying. Midweek, you’ll feel driven to tackle a major project that requires honing your skillset. Taking a challenging task feels empowering and enlivening.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

You might be inspired to strike out on your own in a way that surprises everyone. This is the beginning of a new personal cycle marked by asserting your independence and unique perspective. Leaning into any impulses to embrace quirkiness or get out of your comfort zone can serve you well now.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Getting outrageously creative on the job comes naturally as the week begins. You might have some trouble pinpointing the pragmatic path to turning your ideas into a reality, but you can use this artistic energy and make quite the impression by taking advantage of your amplified imagination now. You’ll want to prioritize time with friends, colleagues, and, if you’re attached, your significant other.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

You’ll be eager to explore the philosophical side of your relationships as the week begins. This could mean having deep, spiritual-minded conversations with a significant other or signing up for a class with a dear friend. Basically, moving beyond mundane, everyday subject matter is extra appealing now.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You’ll want to embrace a spontaneous, unusual game plan for connecting with a lover or dear friend. Get in touch with your inner romantic daydreamer. Later this week, you could find a new way to support your work-life balance. Moving in this direction could magnify your productivity and earn you recognition from higher-ups.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

If there was ever a day for letting go of your analytical tendencies and allowing yourself to be swept up in the moment, it would be a day like Monday. If you’re single, you could meet someone who seems to resemble the partner you’ve been musing about meeting. If you’re attached, you could have an effortless time bonding with your S.O. on a spiritual level.

Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)

If you’ve been wanting to talk to your significant other, a close colleague, or a dear friend about an emotional issue, you’ll do well to take advantage of the self-confident energy this week. You’ll easily be able to put what’s in your heart into powerful words and make the impact you’ve been hoping for.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Embracing your most imaginative impulses feels natural and emotionally rejuvenating as the week begins. You’ll do well to carve out time to express how you feel through your favorite art form. Then, it might be time for you to break free of any one-on-one bonds that haven’t been serving you or feeling reciprocal. Don’t be afraid to assert your independence and unique needs.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

As the week begins, your sense of security and home life could be challenged by confusing information. Or it might feel difficult to connect with your loved ones on subjects close to your heart. Later this week, you will feel re-energized and pumped to enjoy a spirited time with someone you love.

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