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What the stars foretell for next week
    2020-05-08  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Sharing ideas and information can amplify your potential to boost cash flow. You’ll want to dive into any type of research you believe could benefit your bottom line, such as new investments or opportunities. This could also be a fruitful time for tidying up your resume and reading or listening to podcasts about your field.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Although it might not feel possible, your craving for connection will be intensified. Finding new ways to share your thoughts, opinions, and social moments with loved ones and friends can be especially fulfilling. At the same time, you’ll be more inclined to go to bat for yourself verbally with higher-ups and loved ones. Speaking your mind in this way can have you feeling extra empowered.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

You’ll want to take a more cautious, private approach in how you open up and communicate. Your one-on-one relationships could expand in a more spiritual and emotional way than by progressing in external ways, like moving in or going into business together. You’ll feel confident expressing how you feel and it’ll be easier than ever to get on the same page as your connections.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Group projects can prove especially productive and animated. You’ll be trading ideas with friends and colleagues and brainstorming ways to collaborate, which can, in turn, fuel your long-term dreams and goals. You may want to connect on a deeper physical and soul level with your significant other or someone special.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

Research and communication that could allow you to advance your professional track will be bolstered this week. Not only will you have an advantage when it comes to pinpointing details that can inform your next move, but you’ll be able to step into high-profile meetings or presentations with ease.

Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)

You’ll have extra energy to put to your fitness efforts and the routines of daily life. You’ll want to draw up or revise a schedule, making sure to squeeze in time for self-care efforts, and sticking to it should prove easier than usual-especially if you can practice self-compassion on the times you might fall short of your original expectations.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

You could find yourself spending more time reflecting on hard lessons you’ve learned around your daily interactions with others. Be honest with yourself about your ability to self-evaluate, self-regulate, and meet your responsibilities, and you’ll be primed for personal growth. You can find the magic in everyday interactions with people you adore.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

You’ll find it easy to connect with your significant other or dear friends one-on-one. This could look like long talks over FaceTime or enjoying one another’s company in entirely different ways, like by trading TikTok videos or doing a new online workout together.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Researching new ways to care for your health can prove satisfying. And you’ll be able to hit the ground running to check any chores and errands off your list this week. This period of time can also amplify your assertiveness, inspiring you to stand up for what you believe in with colleagues, friends, and neighbors.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)

You’ll want to be more assertive and take a bolder approach when it comes to pursuing your moneymaking goals. This could look like getting in touch with colleagues from the past to pitch yourself to a company you’ve been dreaming of working for or developing a new, artistic approach to your current project roster. Either way, feeling like you’re being proactive can make your loftiest professional aspirations a reality.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)

A burst of energy makes it easier to build on your existing progress when it comes to your wellness and personal goals. While you tend to be fairly flexible, you’ll be more apt to dig your heels in on causes you feel passionate about and argue your positions in a way that could leave those around you applauding your passion. You might refocus on a home decorating project that was put on the backburner.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

You’ll be a master of busy work and being able to multitask this week. Whether you’re running errands or trading notes with colleagues over impromptu meetings, plowing through endless emails, or diving into a variety of projects with your community, your mental energy is sure to be cranked up during this period. Just make sure to avoid burnout by taking well-deserved timeouts.

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