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What the stars foretell for next week
    2020-05-15  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

This week is full of opportunities to research and better understand what offers you a sense of confidence and security, then define an empowering, exciting vision for the future. You’ll be zeroing in on financial details and feeling inspired to switch up how you’re handling your approach to moneymaking around May 22 when the new moon falls in your second house of income.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

You could feel at least slightly more like you have the world at your fingertips, as we move through your season, with the confident sun moving through your sign from May 20 to June 20. At the very least, you’ll feel more in tune with the general vibe of the moment and your ability to express what you want to achieve.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

You and a colleague might be tempted to take on too much on the job on May 19 when the emotional moon in your tenth house of career forms a tense square to expansive Jupiter in your seventh house of partnership. The reason: You’re overly optimistic about what you can accomplish as a team. Dialing it back to a more measured approach can serve you well.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your abundant appetite for learning could come up against your chores and responsibilities on May 19 when the emotional moon in your ninth house of higher education forms a tense square to expansive Jupiter in your sixth house of daily routine. You might put in an extensive amount of time on a new class, artistic project, or planning a trip down the road.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

You’ll be motivated to get out of your comfort zone and step into the spotlight on the job from May 20 to June 20 while the confident sun moves through your tenth house of career. Perhaps you’ll share an ambitious proposal with colleagues or discuss with a higher-up how you can contribute to your team or field in a bold new way.

Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)

Your desire to seek new avenues for learning will be stimulated from May 20 to June 20 while the confident sun moves through your ninth house of higher education. Whether you decide to take an online drawing class with a friend or try your hand at a new language.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Your desire to share deeply intimate moments with your significant other or someone special is sure to be heightened thanks to the confident sun moving through your eighth house of emotional bonds from May 20 to June 20.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

You’ll have even more opportunities to pair up with colleagues or dear friends to collaborate on projects that get your juices flowing while the confident sun moves through your seventh house of partnership from May 20 to June 20. You could find it’s easier than ever to vibe off of one another and lean on each other’s strengths while filling in the gaps on one another’s weaknesses. In turn, you’ll be even more apt to cross the finish line on whichever undertaking you dive into—as a successfully in-sync team.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

You could find you’re feeling extra sensitive and desiring of joyful, lighthearted bonding time with loved ones on May 21 when the emotional moon in your fifth house of romance forms a harmonizing trine to transformative Pluto in your sign. Don’t hesitate to express your needs.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)

Finding ways to enjoy simple pleasures and express what’s in your heart are at the top of mind for you while the confident sun moves through your fifth house of romance from May 20 to June 20. Taking up an artistic hobby (like painting or writing poetry) could prove therapeutic, as could carving out time to catch up with a beloved friend over a lengthy FaceTime call.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)

Finding the words to share your feelings with loved ones comes more organically than usual on May 22 when communicator Mercury pairs up with romantic Venus in your fourth house of home life. It should also feel like your head and heart are more synced up, which can serve to boost harmony in your closest relationships. This could be the time to tackle that tough topic you might have hit pause on previously.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

While the confident sun moves through your third house of communication from May 20 to June 20, don’t be surprised if your email inbox is overloaded, your phone is blowing up, and you have more to-dos on your list than you feel you can reasonably handle by yourself. This is a busy and frenetic but potentially energizing time period.

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