Sushant Singh Rajput dies at 34 Popular Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead at his Mumbai residence, police and Indian media reports said. ABC names first black ‘Bachelor’ Matt James ABC has named Matt James, its first black “Bachelor” to lead the network’s long-running dating competition show, a move long sought by critics of the series’ lack of diversity among its leading men. Country trio Lady Antebellum changes its name to Lady A Country trio Lady Antebellum have decided to drop the latter half of their group name, shortening it to simply “Lady A” — a nickname they’ve already been using for years. Dakota Johnson to star in series ‘Rodeo Queens’ Dakota Johnson is heading to the rodeo. The “Fifty Shades of Grey” alum is set to star in — and executive-produce — “Rodeo Queens,” a mockumentary in development at Amazon Studios. The potential TV series landed at Amazon after a competitive bidding process with multiple suitors pursuing the package. Bona Film Group executive dies Shock waves of sorrow ripped through the Chinese film industry as news spread that Huang Wei, an influential and widely liked senior executive at Bona Film Group, died in Beijing. Disney developing movie musical ‘All Night Long’ The Walt Disney Studios is developing an original movie musical based on the songs of American treasure Lionel Richie. The new project will use some of Richie’s greatest hits in a live-action project in early stages of development with a theatrical release in mind. New museum to honor late Swedish DJ Avicii in Sweden A museum in memory of the late electronic dance DJ Avicii will open in his birthplace Stockholm as part of a new digital culture center next year, its founders announced. Avicii, whose real name was Tim Bergling, achieved world fame with his feel-good tracks. (SD-Agencies) |