Skydance and Paramount Pictures are continuing their partnership with the original animated musical “Spellbound,” which will hit theaters on November 11, 2022. In a twinned move, David Ellison’s company and Paramount said on Monday they are pushing back the release of “Luck” from spring 2021 to February 18, 2022. “Luck” is the first feature from Skydance Animation, headed by former Pixar chief John Lasseter and Holly Edwards. The division was formed in 2017 with the goal of producing both feature films and TV series. Paramount is co-financing both movies. “‘Luck’ and ‘Spellbound’ create rich worlds and compelling characters that we know will resonate with audiences everywhere. It’s incredibly exciting to see our team of legendary creatives working around the clock and across the globe to bring these pictures to life,” Edwards said in a statement. Added Paramount president of domestic distribution Chris Aronson, “these films not only continue our longstanding relationship with Skydance, but, along with Paramount Animation’s own upcoming films, mean we will be releasing event-level animated films for years to come.” (SD-Agencies) |