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What the stars foretell for next week
    2020-07-31  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Putting what’s in your head and heart into words can feel even easier than usual from Aug. 4 to 19 while communicator Mercury moves through your sign. You can make the most of this moment by pitching that passion project you’ve had up your sleeve or initiating what you feared might be a challenging, emotional conversation with a loved one. You’ll feel as though you said your piece and gave it your all, helping you feel centered with the outcome, whatever it is.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

You might feel like you need to overhaul your agenda in order to amplify your work-life balance around Aug. 3 when the full moon is in your sixth house of wellness and daily routine. Managing your stress tends to be an ongoing project for you, but this can be an extra-powerful moment in which you’re driven to clean house on energy-sucking time commitments or habits that are keeping you from moving forward.

Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)

If you feel like you’ve had to put your artistic impulses and appetite for fun on hold while you tend to the more monotonous aspects of life, you might be ready to shake things up around Aug. 3 when the full moon is in your fifth house of romance and self-expression. Letting go of your rigorous, structured schedule and allowing room for spontaneity now can offer emotional fulfillment.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Family drama might be inevitable around Aug. 3 when the full moon is in your fourth house of home life. If you’ve been feeling like your emotions aren’t being heard, or loved ones are demanding more time and attention.

Because the moon squares off against game-changer Uranus in your seventh house of partnership, you might find you can’t help but clash with your significant other or a dear friend out of the blue. Reworking how much time you’re putting toward your relationships and holding space for others could expedite healing.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

From Aug. 4 to 19 while communicator Mercury moves through your ninth house of higher learning and adventure, you’ll want to dive into new books or even an online course that feeds your wanderlust and need to broaden your horizons and always be learning.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

You might find yourself reflecting on how you want to expend your energy and what commitments are worth your time around Aug. 3 when the full moon is in your second house of income. Streamlining your to-dos and moneymaking efforts might feel daunting but it can also be empowering. Make sure to do what makes sense pragmatically and check in with your gut, but you’ll also take your heart’s desires into consideration.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)

If you’ve been aggravated that it feels like you’re recently putting your needs on the back burner in order to tend to other people — specifically loved ones — requests and desires, you might be ready to make some changes in order to put yourself first around Aug. 3 when the full moon falls in your sign.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)

You might feel the need to take a time-out from the daily grind around Aug. 3 when the full moon falls in your twelfth house of spirituality. Whether you spend time meditating, journaling, doing deep breathing exercises, walking in nature, or practicing yoga, focusing on feeling more centered.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

You could be reaching the end of the road on a group project around Aug. 3 when the full moon falls in your eleventh house of networking. Although you often like to lead the charge, you could find that collaboration has actually proven hugely beneficial to your emotional well-being. This could lead to looking for more opportunities that help you feel like part of something bigger than yourself.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Although you’re a creature of habit, you might be craving change, especially around Aug. 3, when the full moon falls in your tenth house of career and forms a tense square to game-changer Uranus in your sign. Striking out on your own, perhaps on a major project or proposal, could not only feel liberating but catch the attention of higher-ups.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

You might feel as though life has gotten too mundane and predictable and be craving new horizons around Aug. 3 when the full moon falls in your ninth house of higher education. Carve out time to dream, meditate, philosophize, and plan future travel. You might also enjoy diving into a book you’ve been meaning to read.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Researching new ways to amplify cash flow could come more naturally while communicator Mercury moves through your second house of income from Aug. 4 to 19. Talking to old and current colleagues, friends, and other trusted confidants could inspire you to go down a rabbit hole of information, bookmarking, and taking notes as you go.

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