Across 1. State unequivocally 5. Deck suit 11. Come ___ head (culminate) 14. 1953 Leslie Caron classic 15. Grueling experience 16. Mo. when DST begins 17. Grace Stafford supplied his voice 20. 2001 Will Smith biopic 21. Tot up 22. Greek moon goddess 23. “You got that right!” 24. Mike who plays Austin Powers 27. Acclaim 28. Fulton’s energy source 30. Word before freeze or fry 32. Event arranged by Don King 33. “Caroline in the City” star Thompson 35. Like a circus high wire 37. Lbs. and mgs., e.g. 38. Nancy Cartwright supplies his voice 41. “___ Lazy River” 43. Mouth-puckering 44. Heavenly body in the “Today Show” logo 45. Standard 47. Nest noise 49. Towards the top of the atlas 53. Car seat attachment 55. Continental competitor 57. Have a balance 58. Some cop show scenes 60. Escort’s offering 61. Maude portrayer Arthur 62. June Foray supplies his voice 66. Benevolent order member 67. Bowlers’ group 68. Flow slowly 69. Fright film auteur Craven 70. Dealt with maliciously 71. Turned blue, perhaps Down 1. Without exception 2. One end of the spectrum 3. Kay Thompson brat 4. Relieve (of) 5. Dude ranch greeting 6. Wore away 7. “Much ___ About Nothing” 8. Traffic-stopping hue 9. 38-Down “lullaby” 10. Leopard-like 11. Wrestling move that drops an opponent 12. Flare, as nostrils 13. Takes in for booking 18. Complains 19. Shillelagh or cudgel 25. One who’s glad to be out of work, perhaps 26. Clothing closure 29. In the manner of, on a menu 31. Suckling seals 34. Perched on 36. It’s often wrongly called a “tidal wave” 38. “Gomer Pyle” setting 39. Sought damages from 40. Inspiration for Lennon’s “Woman” 41. Remove a bottle cap 42. It can make a Buick bounce 46. Superhero’s secret identity preserver 48. Honor suitable for hanging 50. Manhattan with Scotch 51. Pluck eyebrow hairs 52. Made sound again 54. Does a K.P. chore 56. Brought into alignment 59. Recipe segment 63. ___ Alai 64. Pepper or Snorkel (abbr.) 65. Shower curtain suspender |