Across 1. Short erect tail 5. Starsky’s partner 10. The Amish, e.g. 14. ___ Major 15. Make accustomed (Var.) 16. Seraph’s circle 17. College administrator 18. Rose perfume 19. Pressing need? 20. Pfeiffer film of 1995 23. Accompany to a party 24. Clutch producer 25. Toupee 27. Born of 28. Stir up, without a spoon 31. Surgeon’s stitch 33. Loughlin of “Full House” 35. Shakespearean loverboy 36. Cruise movie of 1983 41. Wound up costing 42. Dentist’s instruction 43. Make certain 45. Koppel and Turner 47. Took down for the count, for short 50. It starts in Apr. 51. Victorian or Big Band 53. ‘64 event for the Beatles 55. Environmental concern 59. Stereo precursor 60. “It’s ___” (rave review) 61. Mrs. Dithers 62. Sacramento’s ___ Arena 63. Stun gun 64. Egg cell 65. Newsy bit 66. Fidgety 67. Electronics giant Down 1. Unexpected 2. Goalie’s spot 3. Income from wealth 4. Dance of love 5. With gusto 6. Biblical preposition 7. Ballerina’s attire 8. PC problem 9. Greek Mercury 10. Brat’s kick target 11. They’re found in canals 12. Shutdowns 13. 32,000 ounces 21. Commit a blunder 22. To bury 26. Name on Prizms and Metros, once 29. Timberwolf 30. Emulate Dante’s Peak 32. Ballerina’s perch 34. Fortuneteller’s opening 36. Didn’t have enough 37. Occurrence 38. R-V connection 39. “M*A*S*H” setting 40. Automotive, music or tourism, e.g. 41. Type of meat or pepper 44. Book boo-boos 46. NY-to-Atlanta dir. 47. Balkan province 48. Beat, as in a race 49. Like a teen idol 52. Fellow who sells space 54. Mexican munchies 56. Camera feature 57. Boot out 58. Applications 59. ___ tai (rum drink) |