CARDIO: check. Strength training: check. Stretching ... uncheck. If you tend to skip the flexibility portion of your workout, you’re not alone. In an attempt to squeeze exercise into an already busy schedule, many people forego this critical component of an overall fitness program. You can benefit from a short stretching routine, even if it’s just a few minutes each morning. “Incorporating a morning stretch session into your daily routine can help you achieve better health in a number of ways,” says Claire Grieve, a celebrity yoga specialist and stretch therapist. Stretching in the morning can help you release tension and stress buildup before you head into your day. Focusing on tight muscles will also help keep your body aligned, which Grieve says will both prevent injury and improve your posture. It can also increase blood flow to your muscles. Plus, stretching in the morning allows you a few moments to breathe deeply before you start your day. “This flow of oxygen will give you a rush of natural energy that is better than caffeine,” explains Grieve. Here, Grieve shares five yoga moves you can incorporate into your morning routine. Child’s pose Sit on the floor with your knees wide and your toes touching. Lower your belly between your thighs and rest your forehead on the floor. Extend your arms, facing your palms down, and lengthen from your hips through your fingertips. Breathe gently in this pose and hold anywhere from one to five minutes. Cat-cow Start on all fours. Breathe in, arching your spine toward the ceiling, tuck your chin and your tailbone toward your chest. Exhale, arch your back, and lift your tailbone and head toward the sky as you relax your belly to the floor. Do this continuously for about 60 seconds. Reclined big toe Extend one leg on the floor, pressing your leg down into the ground. Make sure to keep your hip grounded on the floor. Lift the other leg from your toe, calf or hamstring, and pull toward your face. Don’t be afraid to use a strap if you need to. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Change legs and repeat. Camel Start on your knees with your shins on the ground. Place your hands on your lower back with your fingers pointed to the ground and gently arch back, extending your heart to the sky. In the full expression, your hands will reach your heels. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat. Low lunge with a twist From a low lunge, place your hands in prayer position at heart center, and gently twist your torso open toward your right leg. Hook your left elbow over your right knee, using it as lever to open your torso. To take the twist deeper, reach your right arm toward the sky, gaze up toward your fingertips and hold for five breaths. Do this pose equally on both sides. So, tomorrow morning, why not start your day with a few stretches — it’ll set you up for the rest of the day. (SD-Agencies) |