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What the stars foretell for nextweek
    2020-09-04  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

Watch out for confusion and misunderstandings, especially within your closest one-on-one relationships (think with a partner, dear friend, loved one, or close colleague) on Sept. 11 when the confident sun in your sign forms a confusing opposition to mystical Neptune in your seventh house of partnership. Feeling like it’s nearly impossible to get a handle on all the facts right now can create insecurity and affect your morale.

Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)

It might feel as though it’s challenging to get ahead on goals you’ve been working toward with your significant other, close friend, or business partner while go-getter Mars is retrograde in your seventh house of partnership from Sept. 9 to Nov. 13. It’s almost like no matter what you do, you’ll struggle to get on the same page in terms of a game plan, and at times, it could feel like you’re actually stepping on one another’s toes or getting in one another’s way.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

You might find it challenging to create momentum with your fitness or general health plan while go-getter Mars is retrograde in your sixth house of wellness and daily routine from Sept. 9 to Nov. 13. Pushing too hard right now could only serve to set you up for more aggravating, so you might do best to take a beat and recall the pragmatic measures that have worked best for you in the past. Simple moves like drinking enough water and taking daily walks could go far.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

You’ll be feeling psyched and self-assured when it comes to pursuing a major professional goal on Sept. 9 when the confident sun in your tenth house of career forms a harmonizing trine to lucky Jupiter in your second house of income.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Simmering conflicts with loved ones over old emotional wounds and a lack of progress on projects around the house could feel stressful while action-oriented Mars is retrograde in your fourth house of home life from Sept. 9 to Nov. 13. You’ll do well to reprioritize and, within your intimate relationships, keep hashing it out until you see eye-to-eye — or as close to it as possible.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)

Keeping social plans or seeing a brainstorm through to an actionable plan might prove challenging while go-getter Mars moves backward through your third house of communication from Sept. 9 to Nov. 13. While it might not suit your M.O., finding a way to embrace and adapt to this more unpredictable vibe can help you maintain productivity.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)

Full Moon September 2020 is on a lucky star and well-aspected to Uranus. It brings personal freedom, positive change, exciting events, and new friends. This is an excellent full moon to break the boredom and relieve stress caused by long term restrictions and frustrations.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

You might be frustrated if it feels like creating solid momentum on your personal goals feels more like walking through thick mud than sprinting ahead as you’re apt to do while go-getter Mars, your ruling planet, is retrograde in your sign from Sept. 9 to Nov. 13. When it feels like the roadblocks just keep piling up, see this as an opportunity to reflect, revise, and slow down.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

You might feel a bit lost if your current big ideas and dreams begin to feel unrealistic or as though they aren’t set up to come to fruition in the way you had hoped while go-getter Mars is retrograde in your twelfth house of spirituality from Sept. 9 to Nov. 13. You might do best to hit pause on definitive game plans and see where the moment takes you. Taking a more hands-off, organic approach to achieving your deepest-rooted aspirations serves you best right now.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

While go-getter Mars moves backward through your eleventh house of networking from Sept. 9 to Nov. 13, it might be difficult to get ahead on group projects. This challenging moment might lead you to believe that your colleagues and friends are at fault for the snail’s pace, but the fact of the matter is that everyone is being urged to take more time and ensure that the actions they’re taking are thoughtful and deliberate as opposed to hair-trigger.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

While go-getter Mars is retrograde in your tenth house of career from Sept. 9 to Nov. 13, you might feel like it’s a downright slog to get ahead on the job, get recognized by higher-ups, or see forward movement related to looking for new opportunities. This could prove frustrating, to be sure, but doing your best to avoid getting extra competitive can help, as can using this slower time to brush up your resume.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

If you’ve been hoping to travel or sign up for an online course in order to make progress in some way professionally or personally or both! You might find it tough to move forward while action-oriented Mars moves backward through your ninth house.

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