Across 1. Area behind the choir, perhaps 5. “Hey, you!” 9. Blunt 14. Some hoopsters 15. Stud fee 16. Rajah’s consort 17. TURNOVER 20. Matriarch of all matriarchs 21. Interest of armchair athletes 22. Structural components of cells 23. Unruffled 25. Moonstones 27. Takes into a count? 29. Mensa figures 30. Mel’s Diner waitress 33. Thing with a wheeled heel 36. Peace Nobelist Desmond 38. Operatic song 39. TURNOVER 42. Some make light of it 43. Beat fast, as a heart 44. Blow one’s top 45. Bijou 46. Canyon edge 47. Martial arts school 49. First name in flags 51. Low-tech recording device 55. Birthplace of St. Francis 58. Corp. bigwig 60. Ground breaker 61. TURNOVER 64. Warble 65. It may be spliced 66. Whence to admire? 67. Loon’s lack 68. Watchdog’s sound 69. Clutter Down 1. Peruvian peaks 2. Pet that angers 3. Direct 4. Paranormal letters 5. Analyzed sentences 6. Cut with scissors 7. Kind of pad 8. Koppel of “Nightline” 9. Baskets for holding dried fruit 10. Abrasive files 11. Opposed one 12. Overly bookish type, stereotypically 13. Esc, alt, etc. 18. Dent site 19. Memorial tablet 24. Downed 26. Matched 28. Prepares crabs, in a way 30. “Haus” wife 31. Speech difficulty 32. Drying kiln 33. Produce strains 34. “With a banjo on my ___” 35. Molecule component 37. Scanned bar 38. Blacksmith wear 40. Backseat driver, e.g. 41. Dishearten 46. Used car deal 48. First game of a doubleheader 49. Five and ten, e.g. 50. Neighbor of Saudi Arabia 52. Irritate 53. Greek letters 54. Lascivious looks 55. Sciences’ partner 56. Dried up 57. Political slant 59. TV’s warrior princess 62. Type of roll 63. Saint Louis athlete |