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Whats the stars foretell for next week
    2020-12-04  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

Energies are mismatched as the week begins, and that means trouble if you’re trying to get things done. The obvious solution — on Monday and Tuesday, at least — is to relax and worry more about making connections than making progress. Others will respond well to your open-minded, philosophical mood. On Wednesday, Thursday and the better part of Friday, you’ll be inspired to take action once again — which is good, since luck is decidedly on your side.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Novelty is everything as the week begins. On Monday and Tuesday, seek out new people and new ideas. You need to socialize right now to find your footing — and you can expect extremes in energy, in yourself and others. On Wednesday, Thursday and the first part of Friday, you need to display some of your trademark carefulness and caution. The prudent plan right now is to be firm and fair but to watch for the worst.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)

Feeling overwhelmed? As the week begins, life will throw countless crazy details your way, and you’ll need to stay flexible and focused just to keep up. Don’t fret over lost opportunities on Monday and Tuesday — this is just a passing phase. On Wednesday, Thursday and the first part of Friday, you’ll feel the urge to experiment and try new things, especially in your relationships. Don’t be afraid to switch things up — a little scientific method could be just what you need to make a big discovery.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)

Can you feel all that love? You’re practically floating in it as the week begins. Monday and Tuesday find you inspiring blatant flirtation and more modest forms of affection — as both lover and lovee. Enjoy the attention and — above all — have fun.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Don’t hold back at the start of the week. Monday and Tuesday could find you suppressing your more assertive urges, but don’t. Everyone — yourself included — is best served by clearing the emotional air. On Wednesday, Thursday and the early part of Friday, your bravery and boldness will reach an all-time high. Don’t worry — that playful daring won’t lead you into trouble.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Expect unusual interactions in strange places as the week begins. You’re so super-communicative on Monday and Tuesday that you can find conversation anywhere — and everyone wants you to keep on talking. On Wednesday, Thursday and the better part of Friday, interacting won’t be so easy.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Money and budgets are tight as the week begins, and you’ll have to work your verbal charms if you want to avoid infighting on Monday and Tuesday. If you can’t get what you want right now, just give it a day or two. On Wednesday and Thursday and on into Friday, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to engage in one of your favorite sports: playful debate.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

You can count on nearly boundless energy as the week begins. Monday and Tuesday both find you at your attractive, adventurous and assertive best — and people just can’t take their eyes off you. Enjoy all the sincere flattery. On Wednesday, Thursday and early Friday, you’ll feel an irresistible urge to do everything more extravagantly. Indeed, bigger is better right now.

and a little showmanship can go a long way. (Just make sure you’re not breaking the bank.) For the rest of Friday and on into the weekend, you’ll whip your world into shape, with clear communication, precise analytical skills and an unerring command of the details.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

As the week begins, you’ll find yourself in possession of unusually good instincts — along with the initiative and assertiveness to put those gut feelings into action. Monday and Tuesday are both good days for starting something new. On Wednesday, Thursday and the early part of Friday, you can parlay that assertiveness into an amazing streak of achievement. You’re positively radiating confidence and charisma right now. Others will have nothing but admiration for you — and they’ll either give you a hand or get out of the way.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

As the week begins, satisfy your urge to socialize by finding a like-minded group to hang out with. On both Monday and Tuesday, you’ll feel energized and organized by companionship and teamwork. On Wednesday and Thursday, try to stay flexible.

Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)

Keep your head down as the week begins! You’ve got entirely too much going on right now — and life is throwing way too many confusing details your way. Your best bet on Monday and Tuesday is just to lay low and focus on small accomplishments. By Wednesday — and on Thursday and the early part of Friday — you’ll be back to your easygoing self.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

At the start of the week, you can get almost anything you want — provided you’ve got the ambition and assertiveness to go after it. Monday and Tuesday are both great days for following your intuition and taking a chance. On Wednesday, Thursday and the early part of Friday, you might find your assertiveness.

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