WITH temperatures dropping in the north hemisphere, the flu season has arrived. If you feel like you’ve caught the flu, don’t worry. Rest, tea and nutritious food will help keep your immune system strong as your body fends off the virus. On the other hand, there are certain food that can make your symptoms worse. Here are five kinds of food you should steer clear of: 1. Alcohol Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that you can quickly become dehydrated if you don’t drink water in tandem with it. If you have a higher than normal temperature, dehydration is something you want to avoid, as Dr. Kacie Vavrek, notes in an article for the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Sparkling water or electrolyte-infused water will help you stay hydrated. 2. Greasy foods If you’re experiencing gastrointestinal issues, you’ll want to avoid fried, greasy foods. These foods have a high saturated fat content, and they’re difficult for your body to break down. The last thing you want to do is add more stress on your gut when it’s already feeling wonky. 3. Milk The science around whether or not dairy milk causes the body to create mucus is inconclusive, but it could help to alleviate pressure in their chest for some people. If you’re already feeling congested, consider ditching milk. 4. Sugary food Added sugars are known to cause inflammation in the body, which can suppress immune function. Avoid candy, donuts and other sugary food and drinks until your symptoms subside. Instead, reach for nutrient-dense fruits that are rich in vitamin C to get your sweet fix, including oranges and strawberries. Also consider incorporating kale into your diet — one cup (raw and chopped) offers roughly 80 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 89 percent of your daily value (90 milligrams). 5. Quinoa You should also avoid grains that are more difficult to digest when your stomach is feeling upset, such as complex carbs that are high in fiber like wheat-based breads and pastas and grains like quinoa — especially when it’s not fully cooked. Instead, stick to saltine crackers, toast, and pretzels.(SD-Agencies) |