DOES each new year feels like another spin on a giant hamster wheel? There are indeed many personal habits that you can improve easily. These range from the basics such as exercising more and eating better to finding easier ways to save money. When combined, they just might add up to a new you in the new year. Here are some suggestions. Make lists People may joke about constantly jotting down what you need to do, as opposed to actually doing it, but a list can help keep you on track, whether it’s the morning’s errands, a shopping list, or even books you want to read. Read books Speaking of books, decide that you will finally read that book you’ve always wanted to pick up. It might be a classic. It might be a bestseller. Sit down with it and set a timer on your phone for a few minutes each day. You may find yourself unwilling to put it down. Expand your vocabulary, learn a skill No one likes a show-off, but expanding your mind — and your vocabulary — is an investment in yourself. You can buy an inexpensive “word a day” calendar, but why not just open up a dictionary to a random page every day and see what awaits? Being open to trying something new, from a craft class to a new language, doesn’t just expand the mind but also yields some nice rewards — like a new handcrafted scarf, or the satisfaction of navigating a foreign menu in the country’s native tongue. Nix the gossip Whether it’s on your work Slack or at school pickup, it’s tempting to join in the gossip. It might be fun in the moment — but when it’s negative, you can easily get swept up in drama that you don’t need. Clean up as you go It happens before you realize it: You spend an entire morning picking up around the house — and by nightfall, all evidence of your work is gone. It takes effort, but just pick up as you go, instead of leaving it all until later. Fold the laundry when the dryer is done. Dump the trash after dinner. A neater house is worth the small steps. Reuse bags and recycle In some towns, it’s a rule. In all towns, it’s an environmentally responsible practice. Cut down on waste by bringing your own bags, whether to the grocery store to the boutique. Keep some in the car in case you forget. Sometimes recycling seems like such a chore that it’s tempting to skip it. Figuring out what belongs in which bin may be even more complicated now that recycling needs are in flux around the world. Find out what your community’s guidelines are and commit to following them. Exercise Even if you don’t feel like you have time for regular jogging or biking, you can fit more movement into your life. Whenever you find yourself standing in line or waiting for a pot to boil or even watching TV, try doing some toe raises or squats or running in place. Be kind and offer compliments Everyone can have a bad day, but your bad day doesn’t have to ruin someone else’s. Try to simply be nicer, whether to the grocery cashier or the post-office clerk or just a stranger you encounter during your day. How good do you feel when someone admires your outfit or praises something you did at work? Try to spread goodwill by complimenting those around you. You’ll find it makes you feel good too. Follow the news selectively It seems like you have to be tuned in 24/7 to keep up on every last nuance of the news of the day, but that can be a daunting and draining effort. Allot time to keep up on only the basics, and try not to become overwhelmed. Focus on what you need — and want — to know. Do research for fun If you’ve always had an interest in something — oceanography, architecture, film history — delve into the topic. Hit the library. Explore the web. Learning things for your own enjoyment offers personal rewards. Think positive We all can be our own worst enemy. If you make a mistake, think about what you could’ve done differently and move on. Stop dwelling on the negative. Get outside For most of us, the bulk of every day is spent inside. Sometimes a simple walk in the park or around the neighborhood can change your perspective. Make it a point to enjoy nature more. Take care Are your nails raggedy or your brows looking a bit shaggy? Keep up your appearance. It’s not shallow; it’s an investment that will build your self-esteem and contribute to your professionalism. Be in the moment Time flies, as the saying goes. And often, we realize we’ve done something without really paying attention. Decide to be more aware this year: Smell that dinner cooking. Watch TV without paying bills at the same time. Laugh more Maybe it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot to laugh about these days. Even in the best of times, belly laughs are not an everyday occurrence. So when you find yourself truly laughing out loud, savor the moment. (SD-Agencies) |