LG has announced an updated version of its high-tech, air-purifying face mask, the LG PuriCare Wearable Air Purifier. The company hasn’t announced pricing or widespread availability, but says the PuriCare will launch in Thailand next month “with other markets to follow once approved by local regulators.” Between the ongoing pandemic and widespread air pollution, there’s reason to think there’ll be demand for products like this. LG first announced the mask last year, which uses replaceable air filters and built-in fans to filter the air. LG says the new version has a smaller and lighter motor, as well as built-in microphones and speakers that amplify the wearer’s voice. Video of the original mask shows that it muffled speech quite effectively. The latter technology, which LG is calling VoiceON, “automatically recognizes when users are talking and amplifies their voice through the built-in speaker.” LG is not the first company to put this sort of voice-amplification tech in a face mask, with Razer’s Project Hazel mask (which is supposedly arriving in limited quantities later this year) offering a similar set-up. Razer’s mask also has LED lighting. The new LG PuriCare mask weighs 94 grams, has a built in 1,000mAh battery and recharges in two hours via USB. LG claims it’s comfortable enough to wear for up to eight hours at a time. Notably, LG is not claiming the mask will protect against the novel coronavirus in any way, though it did hint that this was the case when it first announced the product. (SD-Agencies) |