U.K. filmmaker Gurinder Chadha has signed on to direct an animated feature for acclaimed British studio Aardman. Aimed at a global family audience, the film will be an animated musical that tells the story of a young Indian elephant from the jungles of Kerala with the impossible dream of becoming a Bollywood dancer. In addition to directing, Chadha is co-writing the script with Paul Mayeda Berges under the banner of their production company Bend It Networks. “Their work has so much heart, humor and affection, and we share a love of authentic and joyful underdog stories about memorable characters,” she added, “so it really is a perfect match.” Added Peter Lord, creative director at Aardman: “We are so excited to be collaborating with Gurinder, a truly great director whose beautiful, funny, and warm storytelling we have long admired. Her talent, when combined with the team here at Aardman, promises something new and extraordinary in the world of animation.” Chadha’s most recent feature, “Blinded by the Light,” told the story of a British-Pakistani teen whose life is changed after he discovers the music of Bruce Springsteen. It open at Sundance and scored a US$15 million sales deal. (SD-Agencies) |