Microsoft has unveiled a wired Xbox Stereo Headset. At US$60, it’s positioned as an entry-level model, compared with the US$100 Wireless Headset that emerged earlier this year. Designed for Xbox options from partners including Razer and Bang & Olufsen, the new model shares some features with the Wireless Headset, including a similar design, a volume dial on the right earcup and a microphone mute switch. Microsoft says the device has “high-quality ear cushions” and “clear microphone performance.” The headband is adjustable and, as for sound quality, Microsoft is promising “clean mid and high frequency performance with strong bass.” There’s also support for spatial audio tech, such as Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos and DTS Headphone:X. The headset plugs into the Xbox controller through a 3.5mm cable. As such, you can use the headset with any other device that has a 3.5mm jack. You can also use an adapter to connect it to phones or tablets that don’t have a dedicated headphone jack. Pre-orders are now open through the Microsoft Store. Shipping will start on September 21.(SD-Agencies) |