Mel Gibson will star in the “John Wick” prequel series “The Continental.” The series was originally ordered at Starz in 2018 and focuses on the inner workings of the titular hotel from the film franchise, which is a refuge for assassins. It will explore the origin behind the hotel-for-assassins through the eyes and actions of a young Winston Scott, who is dragged into the hell-scape of New York City in 1975 to face a past he thought he had left behind. Winston charts a deadly course through New York’s mysterious underworld in a harrowing attempt to seize the iconic hotel, which serves as the meeting point for the world’s most dangerous criminals. Gibson will play a new character named Cormac, though no further details are available. It was previously announced that “The Continental” will be a three-night event series at Starz, with no premiere date currently set. The series hails from writers and executive producers Greg Coolidge and Kirk Ward, who also serve as showrunners. This will mark the first regular television role of Gibson’s career. He previously appeared in the Australian series “The Sullivans” in the 1970s and has made occasional appearances on shows since. He is primarily known for his film roles, including the “Lethal Weapon” and “Mad Max” franchises, “Braveheart,” “The Patriot” and “Signs.” Gibson is also a celebrated director, having won the Oscar for best director for “Braveheart,” with the film also winning best picture. He received an Oscar nomination for best director in 2017 for the World War II drama “Hacksaw Ridge.” The three “John Wick” films have collectively grossed more than US$300 million at the global box office. (SD-Agencies) |