Daniel Otero Christmas is a Christian holiday that has been celebrated for 2,000 years; it celebrates the birth of a man called Jesus (Hebrew name, Yshua). This celebration began to take place in the fifth century in the Middle Eastern/African country of Egypt and was known as the Festival of the Nativity. It was celebrated in secrecy amongst Christians 400 years before; since the beginning, Christianity was a persecuted religion, and this would later change with the Roman Emperor Constantine when he converted to Christianity. This tradition spread to Europe, as the Roman Empire adopted Christianity. This celebration would make its way westward and reach into the far corners of England by the sixth century. People may ask themselves, when was Jesus born? Well, Christmas is celebrated every year on the 25th of December in Western countries, but Spanish-speaking countries celebrate it on January 6th (Dia de los Reyes/Three Kings Day). In Russia, the Orthodox-Christian Church celebrates it on January 7. This is to commemorate the birth of Jesus, but in all actuality, Jesus, or the Christ was born in spring according to many historical records. Then, why celebrate Christmas in the dead of winter? One reason was to honor winter solstice and remember that the worst of winter had passed or was about to pass. But that will also depend on the country in which one resides. The Catholic Pope Julius I decided to start celebrating it on the 25th, to absorb away the pagan festival of Saturnalia the pagan god (left behind by the Roman Empire), and therefore, this celebration would become a uniform tradition throughout most of Europe on the same day or near that calendar date. Little by little, the festival of Saturnalia would be replaced by Christmas. Today’s Christmas is a fun holiday, and it has been adopted not only in Christian countries, but those countries which feel the need to get into its joyful festivities. It is a time to exchange gifts, drinks and food amongst family and friends. The main principle is to be sharing in peace. I really don’t think a person has to be Christian or religious to enjoy these festivities and holiday. In a way, it is to bring people together and that is the best example the world presently needs. This holiday transcends borders, countries, languages, and people; moreover, it can be shared by all. For today, it is more of a shopping-commercial phenomena to just go out and have a jolly-good time. |