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HKers aim big after border reopening between SZ, HK
    2023-01-09  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

Chang Zhipeng


SOME Hongkongers who are currently seeking their career development on the mainland, especially in Shenzhen, told Shenzhen Daily of their longings and expectations for a brighter future and greater business opportunities after the reopening of the border between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Chan Yun-fu, founder of Qianhai FC Studio (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., said, “As a Hong Kong entrepreneur in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), I haven’t returned to Hong Kong for almost three years. So, I am very excited to get the news of the border reopening, and I’m ready to go back to Hong Kong to handle some business and then return to Shenzhen.”

After the booking system went online, Chan successfully booked his reservation to return to Shenzhen from Hong Kong on Wednesday via Shenzhen Bay Checkpoint.

“I am very grateful to the Hong Kong and mainland governments for their efforts in promoting quarantine-free traveling, which will be of great help to our work and life. I also hope that the economy of the two regions can return to the way it was and realize closer economic and trade exchanges,” Chan said.

William Ng Lok-ming, one of the Hong Kong lawyers who has obtained a GBA Lawyer’s License to practice in all nine GBA mainland cities, said that the border reopening means the resumption of the real integration of the Greater Bay Area. “I am expecting to see a large flow of people between the two regions, so that the connection and cooperation between the Northern Metropolis and the Qianhai cooperation zone can be accelerated and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge can be fully utilized, which will spur more Hongkongers to live and work in the GBA, thus bringing more potential clients for GBA lawyers.”

“I’m well-prepared to utilize my professional legal expertise to help more Chinese companies solve legal issues when tapping the international markets, and to help those who encounter legal disputes or lawsuits in the GBA. The ‘one-hour life circle’ will come true once again and I’m happy about this,” he said.

Dorophy Tang, an artist born and raised in Hong Kong, moved to Shenzhen with her husband and child in May 2021. She said they decided to go back to Hong Kong to reunite with other family members this Spring Festival as soon as she learned about the news of the border reopening.

“In addition to family reunions, the border reopening means that we have more room for the development of the creative and cultural industries. I can invite more Hong Kong designers and artists to Shenzhen and other regions in the Greater Bay Area for cooperation and promote the cultural exchanges between Shenzhen and Hong Kong,” Tang said. “It is also beneficial and meaningful for me in my work to promote Chinese culture to the world and let more people know about the aesthetics in our country’s thousands of years of traditional culture and art.”

Chau Ka-wai, founder of D!NG Branding, a brand planning company in Shenzhen, also felt excited about the news, because when he started his own business in 2020, the worldwide traveling restrictions resulted in a huge loss of customers for his company.

“With the normalization of exchanges between the Shenzhen area and Hong Kong and between China and the world, I believe the economic vitality in our country will recover soon, and we will have greater confidence to expand our business. The reopening will also allow more overseas customers and enterprises to come to China to expand their businesses and we can use our expertise to help with their branding and gain more business opportunities!” he said.

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