周日,神舟十五号载人飞船返回舱在东风着陆场成功着陆,航天员费俊龙、邓清明、张陆身体状态良好,神舟十五号载人飞行任务取得圆满成功。请看本报昨日的报道: Three Chinese astronauts on board the Shenzhou-15 manned spaceship returned to Earth safely Sunday, after completing their six-month space station mission. Shenzhou-15’s return capsule, carrying astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu, touched down at the Dongfeng landing site in North China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at 6:33 a.m. (Beijing Time), according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). The astronauts were in good shape, and the Shenzhou-15 manned mission was a success, the agency announced. 报道中的return capsule就是 “返回舱”。神舟十五号载人飞船除了返回舱,还有轨道舱 (orbital cabin)和推进舱 (propulsion cabin或者叫service cabin)。 |