根据咨询公司的数据,随着市场波动性的上升和中国衍生品市场的发展,中国的上市公司热衷利用衍生工具对冲风险。请看本报周四的报道: Listed firms in China are embracing hedging at a record pace, according to consultancy data, as market volatility rises and China grows its derivative market. During the April-June period, more than 120 China-listed companies in non-financial sectors unveiled plans for the first time to hedge risk using tools such as options and futures, the most for any quarter. 报道中的hedging就是“对冲”,常见的工具有option (期权)和futures (期货);期权分为call option (看涨期权)和put option (看跌期权)。 |