AS an epic which brings back to life some of the most iconic poets from the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the highly anticipated animated movie “Chang’an” is being screened across China. Produced by Light Chaser Animation, a Beijing-based animated studio known for its focus on tales inspired by traditional culture and mythology, the film chronicles the decades-long friendship of Li Bai, arguably the country’s most beloved poet, and Gao Shi, his close friend and a renowned poet in his own right, amid the dynasty’s transition from peak prosperity to the turmoil caused by the rebellion led by An Lushan, once one of Emperor Xuanzong’s most favored generals. Xie Junwei, who co-directs the movie with Zou Jing, says that he made multiple trips to Xi’an in search of inspiration during the creative process, revealing that the figurines and ancient paintings exhibited at the Shaanxi History Museum provided them with invaluable ideas for the film.(China Daily) |