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Longhua leverages own advantages to build intl. blocks
    2023-07-25  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

Wang Haolan


HOPPING on a sightseeing bus of the newly launched Purple Line, you can explore landmarks and attractions at Minzhi and Guanlan international blocks in Longhua District. The bus will make convenient stops at Shenzhen North Railway Station, Longhua Urban Hall, Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, Edixia Art Village, and Guanlan Old Market.

Minzhi was acknowledged  by the city government in March as a demonstrative international block for its efforts in promoting international commerce exchange, while Guanlan received recognition for its achievements in the cultural and tourism industries.

Longhua, a young district in Shenzhen, is leveraging its own advantages to build international blocks, in a bid to bolster the district’s global reputation and better share its stories to the world.

Distinct blocks

Minzhi International Block covers an area of 7.5 square kilometers and comprises five communities around Shenzhen North Railway Station. According to Minzhi Subdistrict Office, the block is home to more than 1,000 expat residents and over 6,000 compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

During a trip to the block last November, Sadulaeva Feruza from Uzbekistan had a special experience. She posed for a photo next to her life-size parallel image generated by a metaverse holographic installation at Longhua Urban Hall.

The hall exhibited a wide array of high-tech products of Longhua-based enterprises.

Feruza said the tour allowed expats living in Minzhi to “learn more about the international block, feel the city’s charm and enhance their sense of belonging to the block.”

When mentioning Guanlan International Block, the first things that come to mind are its cultural and tourism treasures. It is renowned for Hakka traditions, woodblock printing techniques, mahogany furniture craftsmanship and Mission Hills Shenzhen resort, a 5-A level tourist attraction in China.

Yet, not many people are aware that thousands of artists from around the world have chosen to make their home in art villages nestled in the international block. According to Guanlan Subdistrict Office, Guanlan Original Printmaking Base is home to 1,000 artists from 98 countries and regions.

American artist Ken Malson relocated to the New Who Art Village in Niuhu Community in 2015 and has been managing a studio named “Longan Art Space” with his friend Bella Zhang since 2019. He is celebrated for his art creations crafted from recycled materials.

Diverse events

Longhua’s international blocks offer diverse opportunities for expats to enhance their community engagement and personal growth. Expats share about their lives through speaking and short video contests, participate in free Chinese classes, learn about intangible cultural heritages, and are also encouraged to  organize community events.

Kymmberli Monique-Sparkles Stowe from the U.S. is a well-known figure in Guanlan. Collaborating closely with Guanlan International Block Service Center, she has organized numerous community events, including dancing and boxing classes, flash mob events and charity events.

“We always make sure that the local community is involved [while organizing events] so that we can learn from each other and break down any unknown barriers,” she said during a visit to Huayang Special Children’s Rehabilitation Center and Edixia Art Village on May 13.


The district has introduced incentive measures and preferential policies to further support and empower its expat communities.

At Longhua District Government Service Center, foreign language services in English, French and Japanese are available.

The English website of Longhua Government Online has introduced feature pages on Minzhi and Guanlan international blocks to keep expats and foreign visitors abreast of the latest updates on these communities.

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