周一,顺丰控股向港交所递交招股书,正式寻求在港交所二次上市,联席保荐人为高盛、华泰国际、摩根大通。请看本报周四的报道: S.F. Holding Co., China’s largest express delivery company, has filed for a secondary listing in Hong Kong to fund its expansion overseas and strengthen its network in China. The firm, whose shares are already traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, filed its listing application with the Hong Kong stock exchange Monday. 报道中的secondary listing就是“二次上市” ,指已在一家交易所上市的公司寻求在另一个交易所上市(可能是异地,但对资本和信息披露的要求相似),二次上市通常更容易,费用也更低,也可以说cross listing。二次上市不同于双重上市(dual listing),后者是指两个资本市场均为第一上市地,监管要求更高,股票在两个市场独立定价。 |