Han Wangxi CHINESE culture has a unique understanding of rituals and music. Confucius once said: “Ritual, oh ritual, is it only about presenting jade and silk? Music, oh music, is it only about ringing bells and beating drums?” Is ritual just the act of offering precious gifts, and is music merely about the lively sounds of instruments? Or is there a deeper meaning to them? Can people who lack benevolence and virtue truly discuss rituals and music? Ancient wisdom holds that by observing one’s rituals, you can discern their governance, and by listening to their music, you can judge their character. In ancient China, music was primarily seen as a means of education, moral cultivation and a way to govern a nation. There’s a story called “The Pu River Melody.” Once, Duke Ling of Wei was on his way to visit Duke Ping of Jin and stayed overnight at an inn near the Pu River. In the middle of the night, he heard faint and ghostly guqin sounds from somewhere up the river. Duke Ling was a connoisseur of music, so he soon summoned his musician, Shi Juan, and ordered him to transcribe the music. Shi Juan agreed and immediately took out his guqin, recorded the tune and practiced playing it. After a few days, Duke Ling met Duke Ping and said: “I have obtained a piece of music. May I perform it for you?” Duke Ping agreed. As Shi Juan began to play, musician Shi Kuang stepped forward and pressed down on the guqin, saying: “You are ignorant. This is the mournful melody composed by Shi Yan for King Zhou of Shang.” Duke Ping replied: “It’s alright. What I enjoy is music. Please continue.” Shi Juan then continued playing. After the performance, Duke Ping seemed to still have an unsatisfied longing and said, “Is there any music sadder than this?” “Yes,” Shi Kuang replied. Duke Ping said, “Then play it for me.” Shi Kuang said, “As your moral integrity is not high, you are not suitable to listen to it.” Duke Ping said: “Oh, I just enjoy music. Please play it for me.” Shi Kuang had no choice but started to play. During the first rendition, 16 black cranes gathered on the veranda. During the second rendition, these cranes stretched their necks and sang, spreading their wings and dancing. Duke Ping was greatly pleased and asked, “Is there music even sadder than this?” Shi Kuang replied: “Yes, there is, but it was composed for the Yellow Emperor. Your virtue is not high enough; you may not have the strength to listen to it. If I were to play it against my will, it would certainly bring disaster to the state.” Duke Ping said: “I am getting old, and I just enjoy music. Please perform it; it won’t hurt.” Shi Kuang reluctantly played it. During the first rendition, white clouds rose from the northwest. During the second rendition, a great wind followed by rain swept through, causing the veranda tiles to fly, and people ran in panic. Duke Ping was very afraid and took cover between the verandas. After this, the State of Jin suffered a severe drought that lasted for three years. Music should not be taken lightly. As the historian Sima Qian stated, in ancient times, wise kings promoted music not for their personal pleasure but as a means to govern. They started with music, ensuring that it was harmonious, and from there, they established proper conduct. Music has the power to touch the hearts of people and it is the way to govern a nation. (The author is a cultural scholar.) (Translated by Shenzhen Daily) |