国内部分地区肺炎支原体感染率上升,这种病原体会让低龄儿童患上呼吸道疾病。请看本报昨日的报道: Hospitals in parts of China are seeing a surge in infections of Mycoplasma pneumoniae — a pathogen that commonly causes respiratory illnesses among young children. Experts have said that the outbreak will likely remain at a peak for another month and suggested families not panic but take necessary precautions such as wearing masks and seeking treatment promptly. 报道中的Mycoplasma pneumoniae是个拉丁语词,即“肺炎支原体”,是一种非典型细菌,会引起支原体肺炎。拉丁语词表示生物名称时第一个字母通常大写。 |