Han Wangxi CHINESE culture is a culture with “heart.” The pre-Qin philosopher Mencius said: “Benevolence lies in the heart of people.” Benevolence is the love in people’s heart. Confucian scholar Zhu Xi of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) said, “The source of benevolence is love.” Benevolence is generated by “love.” The reason why we cannot abandon the teachings of Confucianism today is because they are connected to our lives and to our love for all people. It is something fundamental. A benevolent person loves others. So many emotions are contained in the word “love!” It not only means loving parents and siblings, but also means loving all the people, sympathizing and caring for everyone. “Love” refers to a sincere sentiment. When I was studying “The Analects,” I learned a phrase: “Those with rhetoric and pleasant but fake smiles are not benevolent.” Why is it that having good words alone does not demonstrate benevolence and virtue? Because love must come from sincerity; it cannot be faked. Fake love will wither. A culture can last long because its teachings and emotions are true, and they pertain to life. Benevolence comes from the heart and righteousness directs the right path, the correct way. It can entrust an orphan or a kingdom to the one with benevolence. When a disaster occurs, if you remain unwavering, unafraid, and undaunted, then you are a true gentleman. In the face of temptation, what should we do? In the face of coercion, what should we do? Observing righteousness has deep philosophical and ethical roots. How should we observe propriety? Propriety emphasizes humility and understanding the preciousness of life. You should be humble and respect others. Why is there propriety? It’s because of human love; a benevolent person does not fail to love and respect. Confucius said: “If a man is without virtue, what has he to do with propriety? If a man is without virtue, what has he to do with music?” If there is no love in the heart, what does it mean to give gifts to others? What’s the point of singing and playing music if there is no genuine love inside? It all must come from the heart. What is wisdom? In Chinese culture, wisdom is about distinguishing between good and evil, and choosing the good over evil. Wherever there are three people walking, one of them can be my teacher. Choose the good and follow it, change the bad. Be earnest in learning and follow the path of goodness until death, this is wisdom. When it comes to trust, we must pay attention to distinguishing between humans and animals, and distinguishing between right and wrong. Mencius asked whether there’s a big difference between humans and animals. Very little. Where is the difference? It is because a gentleman has a heart of benevolence and respect, which animals do not possess. We value a promise as something extremely valuable. Trust is a commitment made with one’s life; it is a very strong thing. In “The Orphan of Zhao,” trust is exchanged with life. Chinese culture emphasizes that trust is sought within oneself, and loyalty is to give one’s heart. Chinese culture is a culture with a soul, a culture with heart. (The author is a cultural scholar.) (Translated by Shenzhen Daily) |