Han Wangxi MENCIUS said that there are nobility and titles. Benevolence, righteousness, loyalty, and trustworthiness constitute nobility. Titles refer to positions in society. In ancient times, cultivating nobility naturally led to obtaining titles. Possessing both virtues and talent enables one to govern. Nowadays, some people cultivate nobility in order to seek titles. However, once they attain titles, they abandon their virtues, leading to confusion and eventual loss of nobility. We often ponder: What is the most valuable thing in the world? Is it noble positions above all others? Is it worldly honors and wealth? Or perhaps, is it the morals, spirit, and soul of humanity that are most worthy of cherishing? Everyone has a different perspective, let alone Mencius. Mencius said: “Desire for prestige arises from a common yearning among people. Everyone inherently possesses their most valuable treasures, yet they often fail to contemplate this. The prestige bestowed by others is not genuine prestige. Zhao Meng can grant an official position to honor someone, and he can also dismiss them.” (Zhao Meng in this instance is an allegory referring to those in power without specifying a particular individual.) Mencius quoted “The Book of Songs” as saying that serving intoxicating wine to make one joyful, and offering up benevolence and righteousness to satisfy one. Once satisfied with benevolence and righteousness, the heart becomes peaceful, and there is no longer envy for others’ sumptuous feasts. With a fine reputation and widespread praise falling upon oneself, there is no longer envy for others’ splendid garments. Only when one finds inner peace can they truly be at peace. We often covet others’ food and clothing, but where is the prestige in these things? Your knowledge, virtue, rationality, and outstanding talent — these are the most prestigious possessions. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Zhang Juzheng stated that seeing others hold high official positions, I also desire such status. In reality, this is how people think worldwide. People often say it is prestigious because you are famous, and thus esteemed, and because you have power, and thus valued. But this is not genuine prestige. These authorities are bestowed by others, and if you perform poorly, they can be taken away. Thus, your honor is transient, and your debasement is also temporary — difficult for you to control. You can control what is internal, and you have little control over what is external. If you understand this, you will view these matters with peace. (The author is a cultural scholar.) (Translated by Shenzhen Daily) |