深圳福田区预计2024年底将建成超充站超过120座,率先打造500米超充圈。目前,福田区已建成超充站近50座,是加油站的2倍;车网互动站27座,占了全市的1/5;多元化的充电设施目前总保有量4.6万个,密度全市第一。 请看本报周二的报道: Futian District will build more than 120 supercharging stations for new energy vehicles by the end of this year and ensure that there is a supercharging station every 500 meters across the district. Futian is currently home to nearly 50 supercharging stations, twice the number of gas stations. There are 27 vehicle-to-grid stations in the district that account for one-fifth of the city’s total. The district also boasts an extensive network of 46,000 varied charging facilities that rank it first in density citywide. 文中的vehicle-to-grid station就是车网互动站 。Vehicle-to-grid, 就是V2G技术,其初衷是打通电动汽车与电网的界限,利用电动汽车的电池作为电网和可再生能源的缓冲。当车辆亏电时,由电网补给能量;当电网出现短时电力缺口时,由电力富余的电动汽车主动向电网补给电能。 |