Han Wangxi KING Xuan of Qi asked Mencius what virtues one must possess to become the ruler of the world? Mencius replied, “Compassion and benevolence.” Mencius uttered a resounding statement, saying, “In this world, there are only two situations: ‘can’t do’ and ‘don’t want to do.’” Carrying Mount Taishai to cross the North Sea is something one cannot do. However, if you are asked to break off a branch for an elderly person to use as a walking stick, and you say you can’t do such a small task, it’s not that you can’t; it’s that you won’t. How many things in life can we do, yet we don’t? How many things should we put our heart into, yet we don’t? Why does a king want to rule the world? Is it because there’s not enough delicious food to eat? Not enough warm clothes to wear? Not enough vibrant colors to see? Not enough melodious music to hear? Or is it for some other reason? To subdue the Qin and Chu states by exhausting people is like trying to catch fish on a tree. If a king can govern with benevolence, scholars from all over would serve in the king’s court, farmers would cultivate the king’s land, merchants would trade in the king’s markets, travelers would pass through the king’s roads, people from all over the world would follow. In this case, it’s like rivers returning to the sea, and no force can stop it. Govern with virtue, pacify the world, and the stars will join. Do you know how crops grow? In July and August, when the earth is parched, the crops are withering. If suddenly clouds gather and rain pours down, the crops will thrive. People stand on their toes, stretching their necks to see if the clouds will bring rain to moisten the earth. This anticipation for a benevolent person is like hoping for clouds and rain. Indeed, when people turn to such a ruler, it’s like water flowing downwards, naturally and overwhelmingly. Who could resist? (The author is a cultural scholar.) (Translated by Shenzhen Daily) |