CHINESE national political advisers convened a bi-weekly seminar Monday to discuss revising the country’s law on arbitration. The seminar, held by the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China’s top political advisory body, was presided over by Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. Wang called for improvements to the country’s legal system regarding arbitration, noting that the revision should be carried out in light of the characteristics and development trends of arbitration, combining China’s reality and international practices. Urging the advancement of arbitration of both domestic cases and those involving foreign elements, Wang called on the political advisers to pool their wisdom for the revision to address the current shortcomings of the system, shore up its weakness and consolidate its strengths. Ten political advisers and experts put forward their suggestions at the meeting, while nearly 80 political advisers voiced their opinions via an online platform. Some suggested that the jurisdiction of arbitration should be further expanded to include more disputes, such as those involving intellectual property rights, international investment, sports and anti-monopoly. They also advised a checks-and-balances system among the decision-making, executive and supervision departments within the arbitral institutions to enhance public trust. The political advisers stressed sound qualifications, training and appraisal of arbitrators, as well as efforts to promote self-discipline in the sector. They also suggested deepening international exchanges and cooperation in the field of arbitration with a focus on countries along the Belt and Road. (Xinhua) |